Silica Dust Exposure and Construction: What is it and what can you do about it?

The construction industry, although no stranger to risks, is making significant strides in enhancing safety measures for its employees, stakeholders, and surrounding communities.

A prominent risk that has gained attention is silica dust exposure, a hazardous by-product of various industrial processes. In this blog, we delve into the efforts of Forma Stone and Glass, an engineered stone supplier and installer, to prioritise safe working practices and combat the potential harm caused by silica dust.

What is Silica Dust?

Silica dust, a microscopic particle produced during the manipulation of certain materials, poses severe health hazards when inhaled. The most prevalent form is quartz, found in stone, rock, sand, gravel, clay, and various construction materials like bricks, tiles, and concrete.

This hazardous dust is released when the applicable materials are cut or worked on, also referred to as respirable crystalline silica, and can result in grave respiratory issues such as silicosis, lung cancer, and other life-threatening complications.

Why is Silica Dust Harmful?

Silica dust is harmful when inhaled into your lungs. As it is 100 times smaller than a grain of sand, you can be breathing it in without knowing.

Silica particles infiltrate the lung tissue, causing inflammation, scarring, and reduced oxygen intake, ultimately resulting in permanent lung damage, it can also cause lung cancer, kidney disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Shockingly, approximately 230 people develop lung cancer annually due to prolonged exposure to silica dust in their work environments. Not all exposed workers will develop cancer; cancer risk increases with long-term or repeated high-level exposure.

How to Mitigate the Risks of Silica Dust Exposure?

Forma, along with other industry peers are implementing new and advanced measures to ensure their personnel are not exposed to this risk. From initial site assessments to installation, they are committed to upholding safe working practices and adhering to the latest SafeWork regulations.

Some of the protocols include:

  1. Annual health checks, and fit testing for their employees: Forma ensures the well-being of their workforce through annual health checks and fit testing, ensuring that employees are medically suited for their tasks.
  2. Advanced Dust Control Technologies – dust free cutting technology: Forma is at the forefront of developing and implementing state-of-the-art dust control technologies. Their revolutionary equipment captures and contains silica dust at the source, preventing its release into the air and reducing the risk of inhalation.
  3. Comprehensive Training: Recognising that knowledge is power, Forma provides comprehensive training to their employees about silica dust risks, safe handling practices, and proper use of protective equipment. Empowering their team with the right information ensures that everyone remains vigilant in safeguarding their health.
  4. Continuous Research and Improvement: Forma is dedicated to ongoing research and improvement in silica dust mitigation. Their collaboration with industry experts and investment in research enables them to stay ahead of emerging risks and adopt best practices swiftly.
  5. Annual Dust Particle Audit: Implementing their safety measures has led to dust levels that are 15 times below the allowable exposure limit, as confirmed by an annual dust particle audit.

It is important to note, that homeowners should be aware that the silica hazard is created when the material is cut. However, once the product is installed there are no risks of silica release while the material is in normal household use.

The building and construction industry’s dedication to minimising risks associated with silica dust exposure is commendable. By prioritising employee well-being and embracing advanced technologies, the industry is striving to create safer work environments and healthier communities.

At Lofty, we’re proud to partner with businesses, such as Forma, who are working tirelessly to make our industry safer.

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