Lofty BYO

Bring your own plans and let’s collab!

Lofty BYO is where you already have a full set of working drawings and we work with you to make them even better and quote your build.

That’s right—we can assist you at any stage of your project.

Even if it’s just some very early designs, we will tailor a proposal just for you in order to get your build moving in the right direction.

Our team understands how difficult it can be to translate what’s in your head to paper and then to real life. We help you accomplish this while adding value to your build, reducing costs and improving overall efficiency of the construction process thanks to our streamlined project process.

As part of the Lofty experience, we are also able to assist you to take advantage of any existing building grants if applicable.

So, bring your own plans and contact us today to take your design and build to the next level.

If you are bringing your own plans that have been drawn by a builder, designer, architect or the like, please be aware that, generally, the original drawer of the plans owns the copyright automatically even though the plans might be based on and depict your ideas and requirements.

Therefore, it is your responsibility to reach an agreement with (release copyright to you) or get permission (to reproduce) from the original drawer of any plans you supply to Lofty Building Group. If you supply copyright plans to Lofty Building Group, you are implying that you have the authority to do so, and therefore any subsequent copyright infringement claims will become your responsibility.

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Contact us to discuss your needs with our friendly team